Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rabbie Burns Night - Bagpipes & Haggis

Last night the Buchanan Arms Scottish Pub was alive with poetry, songs, food, dancing and men in kilts celebrating Robert Burns (Rabbie Burns) the poet laureate of Scotland. Yes, the same man who created Tam o' Shanter, and Auld Lang Syne.

Traditionally Rabbie Burns suppers occur around January 25th - his birthday. It's always a festive evening as was last night with The Ploughboys playing/ singing beautiful traditional songs and professional bagpiper, Dan Speaker, regaling the audience as only a piper can.

The highlight of the evening for me is when the bagpiper plays the pipes as the cook carries in the haggis. Then the Address to a Haggis is recited by someone with a Scottish accent.  If you are not used to hearing a thick Scottish accent you may find understanding the poetry rather difficult and even humorous if you happen to have had a few shots of Scotch Whiskey.

Food for the evening includes Haggis, Cock-A-Leekie Soup, Fish & Chips, Bangers & Mash, and salad. Oh, I can't forget to mention the Sticky Toffee Pudding. Yum!

For those like me with dietary restrictions, the Buchanan Arms is always very accommodating. They provided me and others with a delicious salad with non-marinated chicken. 

If you have never experienced Rabbie Burns night at the Buchanan Arms Restaurant and Pub, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible.

Buchanan Arms Restaurant and Pub
2013 West Burbank Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506
(818) 845- 0692

 FYI: Food laws in the U. S. prohibit the making of haggis with all the traditional ingredients.

Bangers and Mash
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Scotch Whiskey
The Bagpiper - Dan Speaker

Piping in the Haggis and Address to a Haggis

Burns, Baby, Burns! from Eddie Lin on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Food & Friendship in Guatemala

December always reminds me of the time I spent in Guatemala City.  A unique city built in zones and full of contrast - a mix of modern and historic structures and a mix of wealthy and poor.  It really reminded me of Los Angeles, California.

I was in Guatemala because the women's softball team I was playing on was competing against the Guatemalan National Team.  Just like in Russia (United by Food) the two teams bonded on and off the field with food and fun.

Both teams feasting after a day of competition.
A Guatemala National Team member teaches the Americans the basics of a Guatemalan dance.

Lynette and Ingrid enjoying the fried chicken.

Oh, yeah, Pizza Hut is also in Guatemala City.
My travels have verified my belief that no matter where in the world we happen to be and no matter who we happen to meet everyone can come together enjoying a bit of healthy competition, food, and dancing and develop awesome friendships.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One Step Closer to Food Reality

Before I rush off to another meeting tonight, I just want to tell you what an awesome day I've had so far. I got to meet the woman who overseas day-to-day operations at the Food Network, Cooking Channel and some others. I also got to meet the general manager. I learned a great deal about what they are looking for in terms of new shows. Now I’ve got to make the appropriate adjustments to my show proposal.  

I know the film/TV world is a hurry-up-and-wait world but I’m so excited about having met these two. I feel like this was another part of everything falling into place. I know I’ve got more work to do. I ask for your prayers, good wishes, positive vibes, etc for clarity in my writing, for funding opportunities, and for all the right people places and items to fall into place – hopefully sooner than later.

I got a copy of the Food Network magazine and one of Giada’s cookbooks at the presentation today. Fun times!

Vistit the Food Network website at
Visit the Cooking Channel website at

Sorry I can’t share all the interesting information from today’s presentation because of confidentiality stuff.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NaBloPoMo: My personal brand ~ A Woman on a Food Quest

As part of the National Blog Post Month & the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge today's prompt is ‘My Personal Brand.’

With all my special order needs my quest for edible food is a challenge. Therefore, I am a woman on a food quest.

In my innocence as a child, I think I knew better what foods I could and should not eat than when I grew older and bought into the idea that I should eat many foods because they are healthy. 

~ Tidbit: My mom loves to eat raw onions. When she was pregnant with me she would get sick every time she ate an onion. Then after I was born she was able to resume eating onions without getting sick. I do believe her sickness was actually caused by me already having issues with onions before I was born. ~

I wanted to be healthy so I expanded my food choices.  About the time I began my eating healthy craze I suffered a non-food related injury (an traumatic injury to my gut).  During the arduously slow recovery process I continued to eat the 'healthy for me foods' and I blamed my not feeling well on the injury.

After the injury healed, I joined Weight Watchers with a group of friends. It was a positive experience. I lost 30lbs while learning to read food labels more effectively and also keeping track of what I was eating.  I was eating healthier than I ever had before but I was feeling worse and worse.

Since the time of the gut injury all the way through my Weight Watcher experience I had had many trips to my doctor and had repeatedly been diagnosed as having a yeast infection. The medication I received at the end of each doctor visit only made me feel worse. I was frustrated that the doctor could not tell me why I kept getting the yeast infections – which often appeared just a rash on my shin.

I finally took the first step towards getting better by going to a Kinesiologist/ Certified Nutritionist that my friend recommended. That was the best thing I could have done. He was able to tell me what I was suffering from - Candida - and explained what that entails. He also informed me of something I had suspected. I have food allergies, intolerance, and sensitivity to more than just onions.

For me the inciting incident for the over-active yeast in my gut (Candida) was the injury I suffered. I have no idea how long I’ve had all the food issues that I have but I’m very happy that I know what they are and can move forward.

~Tidbit: After discovering I have a corn allergy and cutting all aspects of corn out of my diet, the black toenail that I have had for as long as I can remember, has turned and remains a normal color. ~

I have not been cured yet. I don’t know if I will ever be but knowing what’s happening with my body is sure better than not knowing. I at least have some control and ways of dealing with how I’m feeling. The next step for me is to discover foods that I can eat that won’t make me sick and develop my new “healthy” way of eating. This is my quest.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaBloPoMo: Dear 18-year-old Me

Dear 18-year-old Lynette,

Hi, you don’t know me. Actually you know me pretty well. I’m you in your forties. While I wait for the letter to arrive from our 70-year-old self, I’ve decided to write you a short letter giving you some insight into your future. I’m not going to tell you everything you need to do differently because then I wouldn’t be who I am (we are) now. 

You’re life is an amazing journey. You will travel throughout the world touching and being touched by the lives of some very wonderful people. Know that the dreams and desires in your heart are coming true in ways that you have never imagined. Life will have some bumps and bruises along with outstanding joy.

You’re ability to feel what others feel will grow stronger allowing you to love even more. You will encounter people who in their suffering will try to bring you down. All you will be able to do for them is to love them. As you grow older you never lose your passion for helping others grow, learn, and achieve. Some people will say that makes you unique. That’s a good thing.  Even at my (our) age, you’re still you, loving the smell the first rain brings, splashing through the puddles, and even laughing in the bathroom.

You’re world is about to be rocked beyond anything you could have imagined. Good or bad I won’t say but do know it makes us who we are today. I’m proud of you. You’ve made me who I am today.

2011 Lynette

PS. When the letter from our 70-year-old self arrives, I’m half expecting it to say …
What were you thinking?! Tell her the foods she thinks are healthy for her are not - she's allergic! Stop eating corn, tomato, cantaloupe, beans, yeast… Oh, just send her the attached 2 page list. You’ll (we’ll) be a better person because you did.


Monday, November 7, 2011

November is National Health Blog Post Month

While reading the @CinderellasPear blog yesterday I discovered that November is National Health Blog Post Month #NHBPM and that the Health Activist Writers Month Challenge #HAWMC is taking place. It’s 30 posts in 30 days.

My first thought was I’m not an “Activist” but then I realized I had just never labeled myself as such. According to “An activist is a person who is passionate about what they believe in and helps educate other people about the subject at hand.” Okay, I’m passionate about food related health issues and sharing my thoughts may help educate others. Even if it is just letting them know they are not alone in their food/ health quest. I am an activist and I'm okay with that. I may or may not get something posted daily but I’m looking forward to reading what others are posting. I believe there is always more to be gained by listening – in this case – reading what others have to say. 

If you are interested in taking part of the #HAWMC challenge go to to get the prompts for the posts. 

I know this is silly but when I think of a quest I think of being armed with a sword so that’s why I’m sharing this photo which happens to be from a film I was in.

Sword Wielding Warrior on a Quest

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remember when food was simple ... Maybe Not.

The educational process for me is never-ending as I become aware of the many aliases used for the food items/ ingredients I’m allergic to, sensitive to, or intolerant of.

Since yeast is one of many items that my body refuses to bode well with I was drawn to the article titled “Is yeast extract (a taste enhancing additive) lurking in your 'natural' foods?” on

It’s an informative article and well worth reading but being an avid label reader I find the link to a list of MSG aliases at the end of the Yeast Extract section to be even more interesting.

I’m struggling to remember a time when there was not any confusion about what is in commercial food products but keep coming up blank. Even though it feels like I’ve been reading labels for a really long time it’s obviously not been long enough. For those of us with food issues, I wish all food ingredients would be simply named. Like calling a carrot a carrot instead of giving a list of five other potential names. Alas, I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon so my education will continue on.