Sunday, December 25, 2011

Food & Friendship in Guatemala

December always reminds me of the time I spent in Guatemala City.  A unique city built in zones and full of contrast - a mix of modern and historic structures and a mix of wealthy and poor.  It really reminded me of Los Angeles, California.

I was in Guatemala because the women's softball team I was playing on was competing against the Guatemalan National Team.  Just like in Russia (United by Food) the two teams bonded on and off the field with food and fun.

Both teams feasting after a day of competition.
A Guatemala National Team member teaches the Americans the basics of a Guatemalan dance.

Lynette and Ingrid enjoying the fried chicken.

Oh, yeah, Pizza Hut is also in Guatemala City.
My travels have verified my belief that no matter where in the world we happen to be and no matter who we happen to meet everyone can come together enjoying a bit of healthy competition, food, and dancing and develop awesome friendships.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One Step Closer to Food Reality

Before I rush off to another meeting tonight, I just want to tell you what an awesome day I've had so far. I got to meet the woman who overseas day-to-day operations at the Food Network, Cooking Channel and some others. I also got to meet the general manager. I learned a great deal about what they are looking for in terms of new shows. Now I’ve got to make the appropriate adjustments to my show proposal.  

I know the film/TV world is a hurry-up-and-wait world but I’m so excited about having met these two. I feel like this was another part of everything falling into place. I know I’ve got more work to do. I ask for your prayers, good wishes, positive vibes, etc for clarity in my writing, for funding opportunities, and for all the right people places and items to fall into place – hopefully sooner than later.

I got a copy of the Food Network magazine and one of Giada’s cookbooks at the presentation today. Fun times!

Vistit the Food Network website at
Visit the Cooking Channel website at

Sorry I can’t share all the interesting information from today’s presentation because of confidentiality stuff.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NaBloPoMo: My personal brand ~ A Woman on a Food Quest

As part of the National Blog Post Month & the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge today's prompt is ‘My Personal Brand.’

With all my special order needs my quest for edible food is a challenge. Therefore, I am a woman on a food quest.

In my innocence as a child, I think I knew better what foods I could and should not eat than when I grew older and bought into the idea that I should eat many foods because they are healthy. 

~ Tidbit: My mom loves to eat raw onions. When she was pregnant with me she would get sick every time she ate an onion. Then after I was born she was able to resume eating onions without getting sick. I do believe her sickness was actually caused by me already having issues with onions before I was born. ~

I wanted to be healthy so I expanded my food choices.  About the time I began my eating healthy craze I suffered a non-food related injury (an traumatic injury to my gut).  During the arduously slow recovery process I continued to eat the 'healthy for me foods' and I blamed my not feeling well on the injury.

After the injury healed, I joined Weight Watchers with a group of friends. It was a positive experience. I lost 30lbs while learning to read food labels more effectively and also keeping track of what I was eating.  I was eating healthier than I ever had before but I was feeling worse and worse.

Since the time of the gut injury all the way through my Weight Watcher experience I had had many trips to my doctor and had repeatedly been diagnosed as having a yeast infection. The medication I received at the end of each doctor visit only made me feel worse. I was frustrated that the doctor could not tell me why I kept getting the yeast infections – which often appeared just a rash on my shin.

I finally took the first step towards getting better by going to a Kinesiologist/ Certified Nutritionist that my friend recommended. That was the best thing I could have done. He was able to tell me what I was suffering from - Candida - and explained what that entails. He also informed me of something I had suspected. I have food allergies, intolerance, and sensitivity to more than just onions.

For me the inciting incident for the over-active yeast in my gut (Candida) was the injury I suffered. I have no idea how long I’ve had all the food issues that I have but I’m very happy that I know what they are and can move forward.

~Tidbit: After discovering I have a corn allergy and cutting all aspects of corn out of my diet, the black toenail that I have had for as long as I can remember, has turned and remains a normal color. ~

I have not been cured yet. I don’t know if I will ever be but knowing what’s happening with my body is sure better than not knowing. I at least have some control and ways of dealing with how I’m feeling. The next step for me is to discover foods that I can eat that won’t make me sick and develop my new “healthy” way of eating. This is my quest.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaBloPoMo: Dear 18-year-old Me

Dear 18-year-old Lynette,

Hi, you don’t know me. Actually you know me pretty well. I’m you in your forties. While I wait for the letter to arrive from our 70-year-old self, I’ve decided to write you a short letter giving you some insight into your future. I’m not going to tell you everything you need to do differently because then I wouldn’t be who I am (we are) now. 

You’re life is an amazing journey. You will travel throughout the world touching and being touched by the lives of some very wonderful people. Know that the dreams and desires in your heart are coming true in ways that you have never imagined. Life will have some bumps and bruises along with outstanding joy.

You’re ability to feel what others feel will grow stronger allowing you to love even more. You will encounter people who in their suffering will try to bring you down. All you will be able to do for them is to love them. As you grow older you never lose your passion for helping others grow, learn, and achieve. Some people will say that makes you unique. That’s a good thing.  Even at my (our) age, you’re still you, loving the smell the first rain brings, splashing through the puddles, and even laughing in the bathroom.

You’re world is about to be rocked beyond anything you could have imagined. Good or bad I won’t say but do know it makes us who we are today. I’m proud of you. You’ve made me who I am today.

2011 Lynette

PS. When the letter from our 70-year-old self arrives, I’m half expecting it to say …
What were you thinking?! Tell her the foods she thinks are healthy for her are not - she's allergic! Stop eating corn, tomato, cantaloupe, beans, yeast… Oh, just send her the attached 2 page list. You’ll (we’ll) be a better person because you did.


Monday, November 7, 2011

November is National Health Blog Post Month

While reading the @CinderellasPear blog yesterday I discovered that November is National Health Blog Post Month #NHBPM and that the Health Activist Writers Month Challenge #HAWMC is taking place. It’s 30 posts in 30 days.

My first thought was I’m not an “Activist” but then I realized I had just never labeled myself as such. According to “An activist is a person who is passionate about what they believe in and helps educate other people about the subject at hand.” Okay, I’m passionate about food related health issues and sharing my thoughts may help educate others. Even if it is just letting them know they are not alone in their food/ health quest. I am an activist and I'm okay with that. I may or may not get something posted daily but I’m looking forward to reading what others are posting. I believe there is always more to be gained by listening – in this case – reading what others have to say. 

If you are interested in taking part of the #HAWMC challenge go to to get the prompts for the posts. 

I know this is silly but when I think of a quest I think of being armed with a sword so that’s why I’m sharing this photo which happens to be from a film I was in.

Sword Wielding Warrior on a Quest

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remember when food was simple ... Maybe Not.

The educational process for me is never-ending as I become aware of the many aliases used for the food items/ ingredients I’m allergic to, sensitive to, or intolerant of.

Since yeast is one of many items that my body refuses to bode well with I was drawn to the article titled “Is yeast extract (a taste enhancing additive) lurking in your 'natural' foods?” on

It’s an informative article and well worth reading but being an avid label reader I find the link to a list of MSG aliases at the end of the Yeast Extract section to be even more interesting.

I’m struggling to remember a time when there was not any confusion about what is in commercial food products but keep coming up blank. Even though it feels like I’ve been reading labels for a really long time it’s obviously not been long enough. For those of us with food issues, I wish all food ingredients would be simply named. Like calling a carrot a carrot instead of giving a list of five other potential names. Alas, I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon so my education will continue on.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Italy the Land of Love

It’s the labor of love – all the effort put into making delicious meals – and the people of Italy that make it such a wonderful country.
Gathered at the dinner table with Grappa
Oh, yeah, I can’t forget the awesome architecture such as this castle in Napoli. 

No matter what region of Italy I was in there were outdoor marketplaces with fresh organic foods. The uncompromised fresh foods in the hands of talented chefs and cooks took my culinary experiences to new levels.

At the time I went to Italy I knew I couldn’t eat onion without getting sick. So I did what I always do here at home. I asked if there were onions in the dishes. I constantly received a confused almost insulted look and a definite answer of “no” said in a tone that implied that I was crazy.

I realized the majority of the foods I was eating were made from freshly picked and prepared foods thus the flavors popped. The simplicity of the recipes allowed the flavors of the fresh ingredients to shine. 
Giullio picks fresh ingredients
The food is delicious throughout Italy. I noticed there tended to be more seafood dishes at restaurants in Southern Italy and more pasta dishes in Northern Italy. Italy is still the home of many of my favorite edibles:

Gelato at the Trevi Fountain
Espresso at the Milan train station
Pizza Margherita at a small restaurant - 30 minutes bus ride East of Rome
Risotto made by Giullio
Tiramisu made by Mari (she’s in the family photo)
Tortellini in Northern Italy

If you haven’t visited yet, I encourage you to experience the culinary delights Italy has to offer. I’m looking forward to my next trip because I’m sure there is so much more for me to discover.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Gelato at the Trevi fountain

I can’t stop with the topic of Italy yet because there is so much to share. My travel has taken me to Rome. Home of the famous Trevi fountain that just happens to be the largest Baroque fountain in the city. 
I did throw a coin into the fountain because legend says by doing so you are ensured to return to Rome. I would love to return to Rome.

Just to the right of the Trevi fountain I captured a photo of another colorful outdoor fruit stand. I picked up some fresh coconut here. It’s very refreshing on a hot day. 
And very near to this my absolute favorite gelato can be found at Il Gelato di San Crispino. They serve gelato in cups with a tiny spoon that resembles a square shovel. No frills to get in the way of pure delicacy of flavor.  Sorry I don’t have a photo to show you because I was too busy delighting in my gelato. In fact I think I had it four times in one day. Utterly crazy, I know, but it is so good!

If you happen to travel to Rome, you won’t want to miss the Trevi fountain or the wonderful gelato nearby.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Delights of Venice, Italy

My adventures through Italy took me to lovely Venice. It's a city full of amazing architecture and rich in history and food. Intermixed with my photos of the architecture are many pictures of the outdoor marketplaces. Once again I couldn't resist the colorful beauty of fresh food.
My hometown doesn't have any canals so I was fascinated to learn that instead of carting the fresh fruits and vegetables through the narrow corridors of Venice the locals prefer to use water transportation.
Since I mentioned water, I can't resist tossing in a photo of me with my beverage of choice. Water.
Thanks for traveling with me. Here's to happy healthy eating. Eating good...even with restrictions.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fresh Food - Outdoor Marketplaces

There is something about an open-air marketplace that captures my attention. I love the vibrant food colors and the promise of wonderful flavors coupled with an organic nutritional punch.

In my blog post FOOD OF THE PEOPLE I showed a couple photos from Tashkent, Uzbekistan of an open-air marketplace. Even though the faces and names of people vary throughout the world the foods remain constant.

Whether it’s the red tarp covered market in Lugano, Switzerland

or the blue tarp covered market in Capri, Italy

I still find this open-air type of market most fascinating and attractive.  Here is a shot of the fruit section at that market on the island of Capri.

I hope these photos encourage you to seek out and frequent your local open-air markets for fresh vibrant foods.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chipotle Cultivate Festival is Today!

If you are in the Chicago, Illinois area today and are looking for something to do... Look no further... the Chipotle Cultivate Festival is happening right now. October 1st from 11 AM to 7 PM in Lincoln Park.

Cultivate is a "festival that brings together food, farmers, chefs, thought leaders, and musicians."  While there make your way over to the Chefs' Tent East at 4 PM and hear what Executive Chef Amanda Freitag has to share.

For those who do attend the festival, I look forward to hearing all about it from you.  Enjoy the food, fun, and fabulous speakers. And a reminder Good Eating & Healthy Eating go hand-in-hand.

To learn more about Chef Freitag go to and follow her on twitter @amandafreitag

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good 'ole Apple Pie

Before attending the Silent River Film Festival in Irvine, CA this past Sunday, I went to Ruby’s Diner for dinner. They were very accommodating with my special order and I do plan to return for another tasty meal. I wish I thought to take a picture of my large and flavorful chicken finger salad before I dug into it but I was too busy enjoying the view of the ducks on the lake. I must show you this wonderful piece of apple pie even though I couldn’t have any because of my food sensitivity; Rich, my guest, assured me it tasted great. I could practically taste it just by the delicious smell. 

If you would like to hear more about the film festival visit Privatsky's blog titled "Feeling the Love"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hidden Treasure

There are hidden treasures to be found in the most unexpected places. On a recent trip to Bologna, Italy a friend took me on a tour of the town. On a street just like all the others we stopped at a closed window on a wall. The wall wasn’t attached to a house. It just framed or rather enclosed the walkway. On the wall was a small wooden door approximately 1 foot by 1 foot.

None of the other streets that we traversed had such a door placed at eye level. Opening the door revealed we were standing above a waterway or small canal.

Most often the tour-guide books don’t list these types of “anomalies” in them. Often it takes a “local” to show you where the true hidden treasures are located.

No matter the reasoning that caused this windows placement, I’m glad it’s there. It reminds me that beauty is often hidden just out of reach and all that we need do for it to be revealed is open the window and peer through.

Cuisine note: I had the most delicious tortellini in Bologna.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dinner Salads

My dinner salad last night. Lettuce, carrots,
homemade bacon bits, top sirlion steak.

Dinner tonight was a salad of lettuce, homemade bacon
bits, top sirloin steak, baked baby brussels sprouts.

Yes, there was a special on top sirloin steak. Yummy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Food of the People

My previous post United by Food touched on commercialized food distribution which was not "the norm" in the Common Wealth of Independent States (Russia). In 1993, there was not a fast-food establishment on every block let alone in every town.  Grocery stores didn't have large varieties or quantities of food. Very little processed food was available (at least in the places I traveled). Most food was fresh and obtained in open air markets.

 Women sell fresh vegetables at this open-air market in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 
Sampling was encouraged.

 A group from a small village has prepared food - mostly potato and onion based - to sell to those traveling through the remote reaches of Kazakstan by train.

After reading this and my previous post, you might begin to see a trend in my traveling photos. Yes, they are centered on food. Although at the time, the food theme was consciously unintentional, I think my inner love of food found a way to express itself by capturing food related moments.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fast Food: Russian Style

With the commercialization of food, fast-food tends to look the same no matter what country one is in.

I visited a McDonald's just a few days after it opened in Moscow. And yes, even in Moscow, I was able to special order my meal.

                                                                The following pic's are of: 
the place-mat showing the complete menu, 

double cheeseburger anyone (tastes just like it does in the U.S.A),

and eating with a couple friends at a stand-to-eat table. Yep, there were not any chairs in this Mickey D's.

At the time, there was also a Pizza Hut in Moscow. The interesting thing about it was that each person only got one small napkin. Now that can be a challenge.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

United by Food

Yesterday, the 4th of July, we celebrated the United States of America's Independence. Besides family and fireworks a large part of our celebration centered around food and I was reminded of the time I celebrated our nations independence while I was in Russia.

I was a member of a women’s softball team playing against teams throughout Russia – known at that time as the Common Wealth of Independent States. No matter where our travels took us there was always food to be eaten. On July 4, 1993, we were in the town of Tychkovo. A group of people in the small town including an opposing softball team took it upon themselves to help us celebrate our independence day.

It was a joyful celebration with the centerpiece of the event being food. The photo shows the food being laid out just as soon as we reached the Moscow River. I should have waited just a bit before snapping the shot because they proudly added bottles of vodka to the spread. It was a relaxing fun filled day with games, dancing, wonderful people, and lots of delicious food.

I’ll never forget the hospitality and thoughtfulness shown to us that day. Even though we live worlds apart geographically, I do know that friendship and peace prevailed as we ate, played, and celebrated together.

Throughout my travels, I’ve found that food is the one common denominator that can bring us all together. I raise my bottle of water (my beverage of choice) and propose a toast to love, joy, and peace fulfilled and united through food.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bacon - No Sugar Added

For those with sugar issues, I have found Bacon with No Sugar Added at Ralphs grocery in Southern California. Even without the added sugar and with less sodium it still tastes great. It cooks up nicely and looks good.
Yes, this was breakfast this morning. I guess I could have made a better-looking fried egg but I was too hungry to think about that.

If you have Candida (overactive yeast in the gut) issues this No Sugar Added - Bacon may be just what you're looking for.  I know I'm enjoying it.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Tip & A Surprise

My food journey is an on-going education in which I’m continually being surprised. Here is something I’ve discovered along with something that has most definitely surprised me.

At restaurants, I’ve discovered, it is very important when asking the waitress if a particular food item comes without onions (or any of the other items I have issues with) to also mention that I can’t have any onions because they make me sick. Very often, before hearing why I’m inquiring, a busy waitress will tell me she doesn’t believe there are any onions in a dish. But after hearing why I’m asking the waitress will go back into the kitchen and ask. Most often the waitress will return saying yes, there is onion powder in it and I’ll have to make another choice.

Sometimes just asking if a dish does or doesn’t have an ingredient in it is not enough because of the ingredients alter ego – ‘other names’. That’s one reason why I don’t eat out as much as I would like.

Before researching the ‘other names’ of my known allergens, I had no idea all the places they can appear.  For example: Corn goes by other names ‘corn meal’, ‘corn syrup’, and ‘dextrose’. It is often an ingredient of maple syrup (oh, how I miss maple syrup), grits, powdered sugar, Vitamin C, and … get this … according to the Keiser Permanente website … adhesive on stamps and envelopes.  I had no clue.

As you know, no matter if we’re ordering out, eating in, or mailing a letter we have to be careful. I’m still shocked about the stamps and envelopes. I’ve never seen that listed on a box of envelopes or on the cover of the booklet of stamps.

I invite you to join me in the journey and share your insights and thoughts. Follow on Twitter @specialorderplz and on Facebook by liking Special-Order-Please-The-Series . I believe it is possible to eat well … even with restrictions.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

food classifications from plant and animal sources

In my previous blog/vlog I mentioned not being able to eat food from certain food families. I thought I would give you the food family breakdowns that I know of. ( I got this listing from my allergist but don't know the original source he got it from.) I'm hoping you will find them as useful as I do.

Wheat * Graham flour * Gluten flour * Bran * Wheat germ * Rye * Barley * Malt * Corn * Oats * Rice * Wild Rice * Sorghum * Cane

Mustard * Cabbage * Cauliflower * Broccoli * Brussel Sprouts * Turnip * Rudabaga * Kale * Collard * Celery cabbage * Kohlrabi * Radish * Horseradish * Watercress

Pumpkin * Squash * Cucumber * Cantaloupe * Muskmelon * Honeydew melon * Persia melon * Casaba * Watermelon

Apple * Pear * Quince

Poppy seed

Plum * Prune * Cherry * Peach * Apricot * Nectarine * Almond

Avacado * Cinnamon * Bay leaf

Green olive * ripe olive

Ginger * Turmeric * Cardamon





Sesame seed

Okra * Cottonseed

Banana * Plantain




Buckwheat * Rhubarb

Potato * Tomato * Eggplant * Red pepper * Green pepper * Bell pepper * Chili * Tobasco * Pimento

Asparagus * Onion * Garlic * Leek * Chive * Aloes

Beet * Spinach * Swiss chard

Parsley * Parsnip * Carrot * Celery * Celeriac * Caraway * Anise * Dill * Coriander * Fennel

Cranberry * Blueberry

Gooseberry * Currant


Orange * Grapefruit * Lemon * Lime * Tangerine * Kumquat



Filbert * Hazelnut

Mulberry * Fig * Hop * Breadfruit

Maple syrup

Coconut * Date * Sago

Brazil nut

Coca * Chocolate

Leaf lettuce * Head lettuce * Endive * Escarole * Artichoke * Dandelion * Oyster plant * Chicory

Navy bean * Kidney bean * Lima bean * String bean * Soybean * Lentil * Black-eyed pea * Pea * Peanut * Licorice * Acacia * Senna

Sweet potato * Yam

Jersusalem artichoke * Sunflower seed



Raspberry * Blackberry * Loganberry * Boysenberry * Dewberry * Strawberry

Grape * Raisin

Alspice * Cloves * Pimento * Paprika * Guava

Mint * Peppermint * Spearmint * Thyme * Sage * Marjoram * Savory

Black pepper


English walnut * Black walnut * Butternut * Hickory nut * Pecan

Cashew * Pistachio * Mango

Beechnut * Chestnut

Mushroom * Yeast

Abalone * Mussel * Oyster * Scallop * Clam * Squid


Beef * Pork * Goat * Mutton * Venison * Horsemeat * Rabbit * Squirrel

Crab * Crayfish * Lobster * Shrimp


Chicken * Duck * Goose * Turkey * Guinea hen * Squab * Pheasant * Partridge * Grouse

Sturgeon * Hake * Anchovy * Sardine * Herring * Haddock * Bass * Trout * Salmon * Whitefish * Scroud * Shad * Eel * Carp * Codfish * Halibut * Catfish * Sole * Pike * Flounder * Drum * Mullet * Weakfish * Mackerel * Tuna  Pompane * Bluefish * Snapper * Sunfish * Swordfish

Monday, June 27, 2011

Greetings from Special Order - The Series

My introductory video has been posted to YouTube. Join me on the journey (here, on YouTube, and on Facebook) as we discover what food we can eat as we deal with food allergies, food sensitivity, and food intolerance.  Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, experiences, and recipes as we all join in this edible journey together. Yes, my twitter name is @specialorderplz because all my life I've had to special order food at most restaurants.