Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remember when food was simple ... Maybe Not.

The educational process for me is never-ending as I become aware of the many aliases used for the food items/ ingredients I’m allergic to, sensitive to, or intolerant of.

Since yeast is one of many items that my body refuses to bode well with I was drawn to the article titled “Is yeast extract (a taste enhancing additive) lurking in your 'natural' foods?” on

It’s an informative article and well worth reading but being an avid label reader I find the link to a list of MSG aliases at the end of the Yeast Extract section to be even more interesting.

I’m struggling to remember a time when there was not any confusion about what is in commercial food products but keep coming up blank. Even though it feels like I’ve been reading labels for a really long time it’s obviously not been long enough. For those of us with food issues, I wish all food ingredients would be simply named. Like calling a carrot a carrot instead of giving a list of five other potential names. Alas, I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon so my education will continue on.